Law of Attraction in Action

Do you believe that you created the reality you are living? Are you able to connect the dots between your dreams and your reality? Can you identify any beliefs you hold that contradict what your imagination signals is possible?  

Highlights, heating systems and the law of attraction

By Sabrina Matheny • Remember Highlights’ hidden pictures? These are pictures of common scenes that have images hidden within them. For example, a moving day scene could have a picture of a domino hidden on the side of stacked boxes. This puzzle develops a child’s ability to recognize a figure in a different context. As adults, I propose we use everyday life as our puzzle and transform our current experience by locating our hidden limiting belief. Our interactions with others are our common scenes. We participate in these scenes by enacting patterns that are shaped by our life experiences and reflect our ongoing beliefs.

Law of Attraction

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | As human beings we exist in this third dimensional reality, running our experiences through our five senses and our perceptions. Our way of thinking is conditioned by our past experiences. When we use only the evidence of what we are currently living as our guide, we start to believe that this life that we’ve created is all that’s available for us and that life can be hard. What if I told you that more exists, and we can align with more if we are willing to be open to a new possibility? Would you want that? Ladies and gents, step into the world of co creating with the universe. Without further ado….

Relationships & The Law Of Attraction

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor |

“…every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.” - ZuZu Bailey “It’s a wonderful life”

Last week I introduced the Law of Attraction via the average Joe to demonstrate how we can attract scarcity into our lives when we really “think” we are relating to money from an abundant standpoint.  This week I would like to use the average Jane to examine yet another “hot” topic we are all eager to explore...relationships.  

To Have and To Hold

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | The Law of Attraction states that “our thoughts, feelings, words and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies”. -Dr. Nora Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune from the book The Light Shall Set You Free.  

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