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Q: My husband has recently had bypass surgery and I want to learn more about preparing heart healthy meals. Do you have some resources you’d recommend?

On Saturday, May 14, "We Are WNC" along with concerned citizens of Haywood County will host a rally in Waynesville to stand in solidarity that the right to choose an abortion be protected in the wake of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe. V Wade. The landmark decision from 1973 has given women and others who can become pregnant access to safe, legal abortions.  

Starting in 2020 we saw some shortages of infant formula. In late February of 2022, Abbott Nutrition products were part of a voluntary recall and then one of their manufacturing facilities was closed due to a suspected bacterial contamination – suddenly the situation escalated.

This time of year we’re often bombarded with weight loss diets and supplements that promise that we can be “beach ready” in just a matter of a few weeks. Perhaps you just want to lose weight to feel better, reduce blood sugar or blood pressure or improve your mobilith – here are a few things to remember:

Farmers Markets provide a perfect opportunity to find local, fresh produce, get outside on the weekends and mingle with your community. Below is a guide to some of the great markets throughout Western North Carolina.

This year’s primary election in North Carolina will take place Tuesday, May 17, but early voting begins April 28. Below is a round up of most of the elections taking place in The Smoky Mountain News’ four county coverage area, gathered all in one place so you don’t have to go searching for it. Exercise your right to vote!

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | The movie "Saturday Night Fever" opens with John Travolta strutting confidently down the street. His arms move in rhythm to the beat as he puffs his chest out and looks around hiscity. He owns it, and he doesn’t care who knows it. Watching that scene begs the question “confidence — is it demonstrated and then felt, or felt and then demonstrated?”

Q: I need some ideas for easy and healthy lunches I can easily pack up for myself to make at work or take to work.

“So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains/ And we never even know we have the key.” ̶  The Eagles. 

We of the United States have been seen by historians as unique because of our “can-do spirit,” our optimism, our imagination. Those traits manifest themselves in our cures and treatments for diseases, our plentiful food, our arts, our architecture. Our institutions of learning still turn out scientists, business innovators, educators, artists, doctors and nurses.

Please register online at, or by contacting Laura Greer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or 828-456-3993, extension 204. Registration deadline is this Sunday, April 24th, don’t miss out! 

Just as those first flowers appear in the Spring, so does the annual “Dirty Dozen” list — and this year is no exception.

Pasture-raised can mean a variety of different things depending on the animal or poultry and who is putting the label on the final product.

Easter Celebrations in WNC

How many times have you eaten a meal at home or out at a restaurant and had a bit of “tummy trouble” afterwards? Or perhaps you or a family member got quite sick after a meal and ended up in the doctor’s office or made a visit to urgent care or the emergency room because of more severe problems.

Did you know that I host a weekly radio program called the “Ingles Information Aisle”? It airs on Saturday mornings on WWNC 570am, iHeart radio (News Radio 570am)  at 8 a.m. 

Q: I love my “carbs” but tend to overdo it, especially with pasta, and this affects my blood sugar since I have diabetes. Should I just cut out pasta completely?

Volunteers with Haywood Habitat for Humanity returned to the construction site March 5 for the first time since the pandemic started to help build more affordable homes in Waynesville. 

Condiments act to enhance flavors of food and for sandwiches, mayonnaise and mustard are often the “go-to” condiments, but they can get a bit boring. Let’s explore other easy options to make your sandwiches and wraps a bit more interesting:

For many of us the idea of buying local foods to support our community makes sense in the summer months when fruits and vegetables are in season. But what about the rest of the year?

Let's see where you're at...

1. Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know Adam Grant — “It takes confident humility to admit that we’re a work in progress. It shows that we care more about improving ourselves that proving ourselves.”

The percentage of women who hold leadership roles in business, higher education and government grows with each passing year — sometimes dramatically, sometimes incrementally.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | As February comes to an end, our search for our soul mate and loving relationships can and should forge ahead.

By Daley Hooten • Rumlbe Contributor | It’s Feb. 17, around 5 p.m., and the line starting from the entrance of the Orange Peel music venue in Asheville has already stretched to the end of the block. It’s cold, windy, and raining, but that doesnt stop the dedicated (and very fashionable) fans of singer songwriter Mitski

One of my “Pandemic Positives” has been reading more non-fiction books. Pre-Pandemic I’d describe my reading habits as “escapism”; I’d look for fiction, biographies and mysteries to distract me from a busy schedule of travel, speaking and writing.

It’s no secret that the cost of food items has increased at supermarkets across the country since the start of the Pandemic in March of 2020. 

By Dr. Dara DeLeon • Rumble Contributor |

Dear solitude and sanity,

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Out of Exile

Artwork by artist and author Ann Miller Woodford are currently on display in “Ann Miller Woodford: The Artist as Storyteller” at the Mountain Heritage Center’s exhibit gallery in Hunter Library on the campus of Western Carolina University in Cullowhee.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Today’s article is brought to by the letter “V” and the number 14….

 I want to drink your blood! Say this again with a Bela Lugosi accent from the movie Draculaand you can really feel the vampire vibration. We all have experience with this guy or gal in our life. We call her the energy vampire because she sucks the life right out of us. We are literally exhausted after an exchange with her. You might be nodding your head and wondering what is this all about?

It’s important to understand that most beef cattle graze on grasses. Even when cattle are moved to feedlots, their rations, calculated by animal nutritionists, are a mix of grasses and grains. Grass fed beef are cattle that are fed or graze on grasses for the majority of their lives. Grasses can include legumes (like soy) or cereal grains (like corn, rye, oats, barley) in the vegetative state (pre-grain). 

Does Constitution disqualify him for office?

BY TOM FIEDLER, Asheville Watchdog

To former Army Gen. Joseph C. Abbott, a candidate seeking to represent North Carolina in the U.S. Capitol, his opponent was both unworthy to hold the office and disqualified by law. Never mind, Abbott said, that his opponent from western North Carolina had voter support and powerful political backing; the man had aided “an insurrection” and violated a sacred oath to “support the Constitution.”


By Joyce Glass

Over thirty years ago, at 17-years old and a senior in high school, I went on what I thought would be my last first date,  then I married at age 20. Fast forward to October 2021, after moving to Waynesville, N.C. in May, finalizing a divorce in June, and settling into a new job as manager of Sassafras on Main, I wanted to date. I hoped to meet someone as I went about my daily life like in a Hallmark movie, and we would hit it off and date. Now, stop laughing. It could happen, but it didn't for me. Let’s face it. This doesn’t happen to many people these days.

The term “superfood” is a marketing term used to sell products. Each year a different pricey “superfood” seems to attract a lot of attention.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Will You Be My Valentine?

CULLOWHEE – A series of activities, exhibits and events are planned at Western Carolina University in recognition of February as Black History Month, including an inaugural scholarly discussion of diversity in Appalachia.


On Monday, Rep. Madison Cawthorn, who serves in the U.S. House of Representatives for North Carolina’s 11th congressional district, filed suit in federal court against the members of the North Carolina State Board of Elections over what he deems an unconstitutional attempt to disqualify him for reelection.


Due to overcrowding, Macon County Animal Services has implemented an Adoption Special. The adoption fee for dogs, 6 months and older, has been reduced to $20. This special will run through the month of February. This fee covers vaccination, spay/neutering, and microchipping if needed. 


When Vicki Szabo, associate professor of history, finished her 2008 book on medieval whaling, she quipped in the acknowledgements she would remember all her Western Carolina University colleagues when it was made into a feature film.


The Southwestern Commission is working with partners around the region to help alleviate some of the challenges associated with broadband connectivity and technology for local students.


CULLOWHEE – David Dorondo, an associate professor of history at Western Carolina University, is watching the escalating tension between Ukraine and Russia with two perspectives. So are his students. 


By PETER H. LEWIS, Asheville Watchdog

Staggered by COVID-19 infections, both among incoming patients and its own healthcare staff, Mission Hospital in Asheville is postponing all scheduled surgeries at the main hospital and will admit emergency and critically ill patients only after a case-by-case review, hospital administrators said Tuesday.


Come support some amazing local businesses cooking up incredible dishes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4-5, during the Food Truck Rodeo at the Harrah’s Cherokee Conference Center (123 Harrahs Service Drive, Cherokee) with indoor seating options as well as take away.

Financial planning is easy when there's only one person to consider. But adding a partner to the mix can add some complexity to the mix. The good news is, financial planning for a couple can be more effective since there are often two individuals contributing and working toward shared goals. 

By Moe Long • Rumble Contributor | Like many millennials, I was sold the hope of a college degree and told that if I followed this path of education into a career, I'd be set. In fact, I was often told I’d be much better off than those who didn’t seek this path.  

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Thank you, fellow Traveler, for giving me the opportunity to address the topic of intuition. Let me start by reminding you that you have been using your intuition your entire life. This is the gift we are all born with, and it serves as a connection to our spirit. Wanting to better understand how you can interact with your intuition is your spirit’s guidance that you are now ready to consciously use it in a bigger way to support your life. This is to be celebrated! Now let’s get down to the business of figuring out how “you” work and allowing that soft voice within to blare like a trumpet and move you in the direction of your best life!

It is undeniable that starting in March of 2020 the global Pandemic has caused disruptions in the supply chain. The early days of the Pandemic saw stockpiling of toilet paper and buying up flour for sourdough bread.

Waynesville Police Chief David Adams released details of an incident that occurred in the roadway this afternoon involving a female pedestrian. The incident occurred at approximately 12:37 p.m. near the intersection of Russ Avenue and Wells Fargo Bank.


Forty-one jail administrators from across the state, including Lt. Chris Shell with the Haywood County Sheriff's Office, graduated on Jan. 14, from the Jail Administrators’ Institute of Leadership. This training was sponsored by the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association. They received their diplomas at a ceremony at the Friday Conference Center of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


ASHEVILLE, N.C. – U.S. Attorney Dena J. King announced that a federal jury sitting in Asheville found Casey Lee Evans, 42, of Franklin, guilty of starting a fire that burned more than 70 acres of federal land.


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