Last challenge to Duke worth a try
Jackson County is almost at the end of its rope in the fight against Duke Power, but it is important that it make this final appeal. Its citizens deserve one more attempt at getting their fair share in what has become a drawn-out battle.
Lack of due diligence cited as reason for dam removal protests
The state recently gave Duke Energy the green light to tear down the Dillsboro dam, a move that Jackson County and the town of Franklin are now formally protesting.
Commissioners take a more aggressive stance in Dillsboro dam fight
Jackson County commissioners are contemplating drastic measures in their fight against Duke Energy to stop the Dillsboro dam from being torn down.
Jackson ponders the merit of continuing dam debate
Jackson County commissioners are weighing whether to continue a four-year fight against Duke Energy or cut their losses and bow out.
State gives dam removal a go Duke to be forced to dredge sediment
Duke Energy has received clearance from the state to tear down the Dillsboro dam but will be forced to dredge a backlog of sediment from behind the dam first.
Dillsboro dam debate rages on
A plan by Duke Energy to tear down the century-old Dillsboro dam drew a crowd of opponents to a public hearing last week held by the N.C. Division of Water Quality.
What’s in a permit?
Duke Energy must get a permit from the N.C. Division of Water Quality before it can tear down the Dillsboro dam.
There has been a good deal of confusion over whether the state already issued this permit or not — with Duke, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Jackson County’s lawyer and even the Division of Water Quality itself under oscillating assumptions as to whether a permit is still pending or has been issued.
Dillsboro Dam important part of Jackson’s heritage, economy
By Susan Leveille
Editor’s note: This letter, which contains some updates, was sent by Susan Leveille to the Maggie Salas, secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, in 2004. She asked that we publish it as a guest column.
Dear Secretary Salas:
As a lifelong resident of Jackson County and one who has always lived within a few thousand yards of the Tuckasegee River, I would like to state some concerns with the proposals made by Duke Power as they seek to receive the exclusive license to use this river for monetary profit derived from the production of electric power.
Duke tries to get out of dredging behind dam
Duke Power does not want to dredge backlogged sediment from behind the Dillsboro dam before tearing it down despite both state and federal agencies insisting otherwise.
Duke filed an appeal this week protesting a decision by the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission that requires Duke to dredge the sediment before it removes the dam. The energy commission granted Duke permission to tear down the Dillsboro dam last month, on the condition that it dredge sediment from behind the dam. Duke must develop a sediment removal plan in conjunction with state and federal environmental agencies, and the energy commission must sign off on it before dam removal can begin.
How-to of dam removal still a source of debate: State, feds object to backlogged sediment being unleashed downstream
Duke Energy has cleared a major hurdle in its efforts to tear down the nearly 100-year-old Dillsboro dam.
Duke got approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission last month to tear down the dam. Removal could happen as early as next year, or it could be two to three years away depending on whether critics of dam removal appeal the decision.