Pride is not a virtue
To the Editor:
I have no hatred towards anyone who chooses a different lifestyle than me. The vast majority of Americans do not care about an individual's sexual preference or what books they read.
Religious tolerance should be celebrated
To the Editor:
“In the beginning God created ….” Do you recognize those famous words? Many people do. They are the first five words of the King James Bible. Sacred to many.
2023 A Look Back: Persistence as Resistance Award
This year was filled with slights and attacks on the LGBTQ+ community by local elected officials. But despite the environment, Sylva Pride and Sylva Belles Drag have continued to do their work of celebrating, uplifting and bringing together the LGBTQ+ community.
There is room at the table for all
To the Editor:
Congratulations to the Smoky Mountain News and Cory Vaillancourt!