Mark Jones resigns from Sylva Town Board
Sylva Commissioner Mark Jones tendered his resignation from the board through a letter during the Feb. 13 meeting, citing health-related reasons.
Sylva revisits panhandling ordinance
New changes are being proposed to Sylva’s panhandling ordinance, and although a public hearing is not required for the Sylva Town Board to amend the ordinance that governs its streets and sidewalks, the town will hold a public hearing on the proposed changes next month after one board member urged the town to do so.
Sylva approves Economic Development Advisory Committee
Last week, the Sylva Town Board approved rules and procedures for the new Economic Development Advisory Committee, an advisory committee to the Economic Development Director and to the Sylva Town Board of Commissioners.
Brown appointed Sylva commissioner
Following the resignation of Natalie Newman from the Sylva Town Board in April, commissioners have appointed Jonathan Brown to fill the vacant seat.