Waynesville looking for lifeguards

The Town of Waynesville Parks and Recreation is looking for 15 new lifeguards to train and certify at no cost.

This presents a great opportunity to develop valuable skills and enjoy a meaningful summer or year-round job, possibly at the Waynesville Recreation Center.

Long-awaited aquatic center opens in Jackson

After years of work on the project and more than a decade of planning and advocacy, the new aquatic center in Jackson County is officially open to patrons. 

Jackson County seeks lifeguards

The new Jackson County Aquatics Center is hiring five full-time lifeguards. Employees are entitled to full benefits other Jackson County employees receive.

The Olympics: a beacon of hope in challenging times

Just when global news hit a fever pitch and there was little to hang onto in the way of goodness and humanity, the 2024 Paris Olympics began, which has offered many of us a much-needed reprieve and countless reminders of hope and triumph.

You got this, you know you do

One of the best things about marriage is the abundance of opportunities for continuous learning. For example, I did not know until today that you are never really on vacation until you put on a swimsuit. 

Get your Lake Junaluska activity pass

Lake Junaluska Outfitters summer activity passes are now available. The passes provide admission to the lakeside pool all summer long, as well as discounts on recreation, shopping and dining at Lake Junaluska.

Sponsored: ‘The More You Do…the More You’re Able to Do’

I remember my mom saying this when I remarked one time on how busy and active she was even well into her 70’s; ‘Leah, the more I do, the more I’m able to do and the less I do, the less I feel like doing anything at all.’.

Lake Logan triathlons say goodbye

After 17 years, one of the most beloved triathlons in the southeast has crossed the finish line.

‘A Warrior’s Way’ to fight cancer

In a few short weeks, 47 people will charge from the shores of the island home to the infamous Alcatraz Prison into the freezing water that isolates it. Those brave souls will battle frigid temperatures, currents, wildlife and weather for two miles in an open water swim race to the California mainland, with little else than a swim cap, goggles and the thick skin of wetsuits to shield them from those unpredictable elements. 

SMAC brings in two new coaches

Smoky Mountain Aquatic Club has not one, but two new coaches at the helm that know a thing or two about swimming, leadership and working together. The newly married couple, Dan and Sydney McGuire took the reins of the now 20-year-old team this September.

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