Masa youth photography winners on display at arboretum
The George Masa Foundation announced that the winning photographs from the inaugural George Masa Foundation Youth Conservation Photography Prize are on display at The North Carolina Arboretum’s Baker Building through April 30.
‘The Greatest Wildlife Photographs’ on display at NC Arboretum
Visitors to The North Carolina Arboretum can witness some of the most surprising animal behavior in the new National Geographic exhibition, “The Greatest Wildlife Photographs.”
Winter Lights display at The NC Arboretum
The 11th annual Winter Lights returned to The North Carolina Arboretum on Friday Nov. 15, with the show running nightly through Dec. 31.
The N.C. Arboretum remains closed, eyes reopening
The North Carolina Arboretum remains closed following the widespread impacts of Hurricane Helene. Staff is hard at work assessing and addressing damage to the Arboretum, however, safety and enjoyment of this resource is of top concern, so the Arboretum will remain closed to the public until further notice.
NC Arboretum names new director
University of North Carolina System President Peter Hans this week appointed Drake Fowler as the new executive director of The North Carolina Arboretum in Asheville.
‘Bloom with a View’ returns to Arboretum
The North Carolina Arboretum is heralding spring’s arrival with the return of “Bloom with a View,” May 4-19.
Orchid Festival comes to WNC
The Western North Carolina Orchid Society (WNCOS) and The North Carolina Arboretum will host the 23rd Asheville Orchid Festival entitled “House of Orchids.”
Join the Great Backyard Bird Count
Birders and bird lovers worldwide are encouraged to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count Feb. 16-19, with several local events offered to mark the weekend.
Sign up for summer camp
Registration for Spring Break Camp at the N.C. Arboretum in Asheville opens at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 7, with Discovery Camp registration following suit at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14.
Signups start soon for Arboretum youth programs
Registration opens soon for several upcoming outdoor education opportunities at the N.C. Arboretum in Asheville.