Shine the light on backdoor dealings
Editor's note: The following letter to the editor erroneously claims that the email referenced was sent by Fontana Regional Library board member Leah Gaston. Through its own independent reporting, The Smoky Mountain News had previously confirmed that Leah's husband, Jim, sent that email from Leah's account.
To the Editor:
Thank you to Smoky Mountain News staff writer Hannah McLeod for the informative article about the leaked email from a library board member who requested a behind-the-scenes discussion with the Macon County commissioners.
Macon to add one animal control position
During a Feb. 11 Macon County Commissioners meeting, Interim Manager Warren Cabe announced that the county would be hiring a new position for animal control, a department that runs largely on the work of volunteers.
Macon approves additional coaching supplements
The Macon County Board of Education has approved additional coaching supplements for head and assistant coaches in the district, to the tune of about $6,000 annually.
Macon to explore private solution to animal control
After receiving requests for additional staffing at the Macon County Animal Shelter, commissioners have decided to see if they might be able to contract the county’s animal control services out to a private company.
Macon still accepting applications for county manager
After previous County Manager Derek Roland announced his resignation in September, Macon County decided to appoint Warren Cabe as interim county manager until June 30. Cabe previously worked for the county as emergency services director.
School board to consider additional coaching supplements
After a request for an assistant JV volleyball coach prompted a review of coaching supplements in the school system, the Macon County Board of Education is considering funding several additional assistant coaching positions.
Bill was a power grab
To the Editor:
I’m not certain, Senator Kevin Corbin, R-Franklin, that your constituency thoroughly understands your characterization of Senate Bill 382 as an “historic legislative response.”
Planning board opposes flood plain ordinance change
In a turn of events for the volunteers and members of the public that have been showing up in an effort to preserve Macon County’s floodplain ordinances, the planning board has opposed the third and final recommended change up for consideration. The move comes after months of outspoken opposition to the measure and a two-month delay in addressing the proposed ordinance revision due to canceled meetings.
2024 A Look Back: If it ain’t broke award
Following this year’s budget season, Macon County maintains its position with the lowest property tax of any county in the state of North Carolina at $0.27 cents per $100 of assessed property value.
2024 A Look Back: Maconians united award
Maconians are known among the citizens of Western North Carolina for robust and regular public input at local government meetings and this year was no different. But there was one issue in particular that galvanized the citizens of Macon County to stand together and speak up — efforts to weaken the county’s floodplain ordinances.