Sen. Tillis is kissing Trump's feet

There’s no such thing as a self-made dictator. It takes more than a village to make one. Lawmakers and judges must cooperate or get out of his way. Citizens must accept that it’s all for the good or will soon pass by. That’s what happened not so long ago to new democracies in Italy, Germany and Russia. 

We will reap what we’ve sown

To the Editor:

I wish I could blame the outcome of the recent presidential election on yet another “misfire” (as in 2000 and 2016) of our arcane and thoroughly undemocratic Electoral College system.

Dictator for a day, or president for life?

To the Editor:

Former President Donald Trump is known to be an admirer of autocratic rulers, particularly President Xi Jinping of China. According to CNN, when Trump heard that Xi was about to be gifted a constitutional amendment that would eliminate term limits for the president, Trump was reported to have said “He’s now president for life, and he’s great.

Project 2025 must be defeated

To the Editor:

The biggest threat to American democracy that no one is talking about is waiting in the wings, ready to be rolled out as soon as a “conservative” (MAGA) Republican presidency is voted in.

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