Polish up the Pigeon
Pick up the Pigeon River during a cleanup 9-10 a.m. Saturday, May 13, in Canton.
Celebrate Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day
• Celebrate the annual migration of the sicklefin redhorse, a crucial fish species in the Hiwassee River Valley with an educational viewing Thursday, April 22, at Welch Farm in Marble, hosted by Mainspring Conservation Trust and the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Attend at 8 a.m. or 6 p.m. to watch aquatic biologists tag the many fish that will be caught in fyke nets in the Valley River. For directions, visit www.mainspringconserves.org/be-a-mainspring/properties/welch-farm.
SCC firing range cleanup gets statewide attention
More than six years ago, Southwestern Community College officials started looking into making necessary safety improvements at their firing range in Dillsboro.