Let’s get real about ‘school choice’

There are some things John Hood (SMN, May 29) and his ilk don’t want you to think about in their relentless promotion of “school choice” and “educational freedom” — their feel-good euphemisms for the transfer of your taxpayer dollars to private, church-related and “charter” schools. Hood, who pops up everywhere these days, is a paid mouthpiece for the libertarian-conservative and free-market agenda of Art Pope (remember him?) — and it shows. 

School choice isn’t a conspiracy

North Carolina is becoming a national leader in expanding choice and competition in education. For some North Carolinians, this is a source of pride. For others, it’s shameful. 

Data shows improvements for local charter schools

With accountability data released from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, all charter schools in the Smoky Mountain News’ four-county coverage area showed an increase in the percentage of students passing state exams during the 2022-23 school year compared to 2021-22 school year. 

Charter schools budget for growth

There are several outstanding variables that will affect budgets for local charter schools in the coming school year — average daily membership, the state budget and state legislation, to name a few.

SRCA approves preliminary plans for $15 million facility

According to a press release, Shining Rock Classical Academy board of directors recently unanimous voted to accept the architectural designs and preliminary budget for a permanent school facility as presented by design-build partner, BC Construction Group (BCCG). In partnership with Shining Rock and BCCG, Performance CSD will be providing financial resources to fund and finance the project.

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