Put your roots down at ginseng expo
The upcoming International American Ginseng Expo in Western North Carolina will be an opportunity for local ginseng retailers to learn how to promote their ginseng overseas, meet wild forest ginseng experts and to network with state officials, harvesters, buyers, sellers and dealers.
The event will be held on Dec. 7 and 8 in Mills River. It is put on by The North Carolina Natural Products Association and will take place at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center.
American ginseng has been a major export crop for nearly 250 years and North Carolina Ginseng is regarded as a state and national treasure.
The program will include recognized experts in the ginseng field from Southern Appalachia. Program highlights include presentations on the current status of wild and wild-simulated ginseng, industry rules and regulations, parameters of ginseng quality, ginseng production and poaching issues, marketing, a ginseng root auction and opportunities for value-added products.
Cost to register varies from $65 to $140, depending on timeliness. www.ncnaturalproducts.org.
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