Obama deserves another term
To the Editor:
Neither of our presidential candidates has reached the stage of perfection. Neither has all the answers to all the challenges. But when I see a foreign policy of arrogance and unilateralism replaced by a policy of openness and cooperation; when I see a national economy moving from the brink of collapse toward stable recovery (though moving slowly); when I see people who were once without health insurance, now with coverage (although the plan needs perfecting); when I see the American automobile industry rising from near death to a flourishing industry, saving millions of jobs; when I see Wall Street now having to abide by some rules that may save us from another debacle there; when I look at the recovery of much of my pension losses; then I think I would like to give President Obama a chance to build on the remarkable achievements of his first four years.
I do not agree with all his policies and statements, but I like his broad vision and he is consistent about what he believes. He is not as liberal as some would like. He is not as conservative as others would prefer. I believe this country will be better off with him at the helm and I enthusiastically and hopefully cast my vote for President Obama.
Garland Young
Lake Junaluska