BicycleHaywoodNC helps out Haywood schools
BicycleHaywoodNC has donated 15 bicycles and 15 helmets to Haywood County
Schools this month to use in physical education classes. The idea is to teach elementary students how to be safe cyclists. BicycleHaywoodNC purchased the bicycles through a grant received from Healthy Haywood. Goals are to fight childhood obesity, improve overall health and set the tone for a lifetime of active living.
Additionally, students will learn how bicycles can be used as alternative forms of transportation.
The bicycles will make the rounds of each elementary school in the Haywood County School system. They were purchased through John Mudge, owner of Rolls
Rite Bicycles in Waynesville, and a BicycleHaywoodNC council member. Mudge and fellow council member Don Lux assembled the bikes.