DEI creates its own controversies

To the Editor:
Kudos to the Haywood County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) for rescinding the grant over the proposed passport program. The program put forth by the entity called IDEA is another example of a certain minority desiring special recognition above others and causing unnecessary controversy.
The mountains are already for everyone no matter what your sexual preference might be. IDEA has lobbied for boycotts of businesses in the past, so this program was another way to get the camel’s nose further into the tent.
Haven’t we seen enough DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) nonsense? DEI policies have repeatedly proven to be unproductive and cause strife. Even the UNC Board of Governors recently voted to withdraw these sexually oriented, truly racist and divisive measures from state funded schools.
If the IDEA group desires to politicize what businesses we shop at, that is the very definition of extremism. If a business does not join the collectivism with a virtue signaling sticker in their window, should they be shunned? So much for inclusion ... Ultimately, belligerent motives cloaked in pious word salad is the problem with the DEI cult because passport programs are not bad in and of themselves.
Consider if each of us has a favorite football team. No one cares if we have different choices based on our background. None of us deserve special attention from our personal choices since everyone clearly has equal rights as American citizens already. Football fans (or sex signalers) shop at any business or read any book they desire — already. Tennessee fans are not demanding that Georgia fans shut the hell up and kowtow to the Volunteer “community.” Neither are Tennessee fans lobbying their flag be flown on government buildings or singing “Rocky Top” an entire month as a national observance. If a Tennessee couple wants a cake for their wedding and the Goergia baker refuses, the Tennessee couple can simply go to another baker instead of taking people to court for vindictiveness because they dared have a differing belief system.
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So, why is a tiny minority of DEI proponents attempting to make society subservient to their alternate lifestyles at every opportunity? Certain minorities are setting society on fire to keep minorities warm. There is no need to be insecure or narcissistic. There is room for different lifestyles as long as none shoves their preferences down other’s throats. We could even have a friendly discussion over fundamental biological science or the proven negative consequences to children/teens who are encouraged to pursue unnatural sexual ideology.
And for the love of climate change fear, stop lying that traditional families want to close libraries or ban books. Gaslighting only makes groups look foolish. Attacks on free thinking the last several years via sexual indoctrination and false narratives cause division, not inclusion.
Thank you to the TDA for realizing this. Perhaps the political dogma needs to be exported to places like China, Russia or Saudi Arabia where alternative lifestyles are genuinely persecuted? Can groups like IDEA incorporate overseas and send the propaganda there?
Jim Gaston