Response to 'The wisdom of the First Amendment'

To the Editor:
I am still trying to figure out Dave Webster’s motive for telling your readers about his personal journey and I would like to know what his comments have to do with the First Amendment.
Sounds like he is trying to defend his non-belief in the Bible. Because a person accepts the Word doesn’t mean he is ignorant, brainwashed or not enlightened. So funny.
Christians who believe in the Bible are the ones who feel enlightened and often think those who don’t get it are spiritually blind. I have heard it said that people who can’t find God are like a thieves who can’t find a policeman. We all have questions and we, with our pea brains, wouldn’t understand it all if God sat us down and talked to us one on one. For the skeptics like Dave, I would recommend three good books, “Evidence Demands a Verdict,” “More Than a Carpenter” or “Answers to Tough Questions” by Josh McDowell.
McDowell was a college professor who mocked his fellow professors who believed the Bible. He was so exasperated with them that he set out to study the matter in order to prove his colleagues were wrong. The result was he became a Christian and is now a noted author and speaker and leader in the area of apologetics. I know brilliant people from all walks of life and all nationalities who believe the Bible. Many have become martyrs of the faith. They believe they have truly been enlightened. We face division in our nation.
Those who believe in the Bible and use it for the basis of their moral compass and truth and those who don’t. When there isn’t an accepted moral basis by society then everyone does what is right in his own eyes to gratify self. The result is millions of opinions. A true Christian goes to the Bible to see what God says is right and what is wrong. Christians know the book is not a list of do’s and don’ts to make our life miserable, but is a guide book from the Father to keep us out of trouble and show us how to live life to the fullest. My faith supports the First Amendment. No one can dictate matters of the heart. On that, Dave and I agree.
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Dayna Austin