Women’s rights are slipping away

To the Editor:
I was in my 20s in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Legislative and legal decisions this year brought back memories from those days, and not pleasant ones.
Married couples had access to birth control prescriptions after 1965; not so single women. Unmarried women were denied birth control until 1972. Hard to believe, but true.
Abortions were illegal until Roe v Wade in 1973. Illegal abortions could be had, but the outcomes often were sterility or death. Not a week went by during my college years that someone on my hall was terrified she might be pregnant. And, I don’t need to hear from anyone that women are responsible for unplanned pregnancies. We are not.
Incidentally, but related, I was a college graduate before single women could routinely get a mortgage, open a checking account or get a credit card in only their name. I expect most of you can’t imagine a life with those restrictions.
I’d like to think it might be hard to take these “rights” away from women, but the courts and legislatures have already started down that slippery slope. Please consider this come November.
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Karen Patterson