Archived Opinion

We should support individual freedom

We should support individual freedom

To the Editor:

This writing is not the product of extensive research. It is an opinion. The opinion of an octogenarian American male. Much like millions of Americans express. An opinion regarding our government “of the people, for the people and by the people.” 

How can we claim to be the “greatest nation on earth” if we refuse/fail to protect the lives of living men and women who call themselves Americans? We should encourage women (especially) to seek and follow the best medical advice available to them. Instead, some politicians apparently want to be the gods of infertility/fertility. They have even chosen to use the highly political U.S. Supreme Court to exert some type of moral/religious/legal control over women. The political moves so far have endangered the lives of many women.

Please don’t tell me this is an honest effort to protect the unborn. Our goal should be to exhaust every effort to protect the safety/security of living Americans. We have abandoned that role of government.

Regardless of your political lean do you really believe that the U.S. Supreme Court is acting to empower individuals? What are/should be the moral/religious/legal limits of the U.S. Supreme Court? Has our highest legal body been poisoned by politics already? What could be done to correct/prevent that abuse?

Democrats aren’t perfect. Yet, a Democratic House, Senate and presidency in 2024 could/would begin the process of restoring individual rights to Americans!

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Dave Waldrop


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