Trump doesn’t deserve our support

To the Editor:
Recently the world lost one of the most honorable and bravest advocates for democracy that we have ever seen.
According to the United Nations, democracy provides an environment that respects human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in which the freely expressed will of people is exercised. Alexei Navalny gave his life fighting for such an environment that does not exist in a country run by a dictator named Vladimir Putin.
Meanwhile, back here in a country that currently does enjoy such an environment, we have dishonorable cowards heaping praise on Putin as they openly try to do away with our democracy. Has D. John Trump ever met a dictator with whom he didn’t immediately start exchanging love letters? His first wife said he kept a book about Hitler by his bedside. And he and Putin have for lots of years worked together better than most brothers do. Now he has one of his many cowardly un-American endorsers by the name of Tuberville saying that “Putin is on top of his game.” And, of course, the lying Tucker Carlson goes to Russia to try his best to make Putin seem humane. What a shameful group of communists.
Is there really any doubt that D. John is guilty of dozens of felonies, yet he claims that he has never done anything for which he is inclined to ask our Lord for forgiveness. Please tell me just exactly what sort of Christian will support such a heathen to be our President!
Some time ago a man being interviewed in Iowa stated that he thought Trump was a gift from God. As we are always being tested as to what we will accept and what we will reject the man is probably correct. If you accept lies over truth, dishonor over honor, cowardice over bravery, and authoritarianism over democracy then Trump is your man.
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D. John says he may just have to suspend our United States Constitution. D. John Trump says he will be a dictator on day one if he gets elected. All of that may sound good to the MAGA idiots who cheer him on as he mentions his favorite dictators at his stupid rallies. They probably don’t know or care about the huge difference between a Democratic Republic and a dictatorship.
Alexei Navalny knew. Trumpers have surely listened to enough news by now to know what Trump has openly called United States veterans who died while fighting for our country. He says that they were “suckers” and “losers.” If you can vote for a punk like that to be our commander in chief then you do not deserve to be a citizen of this country.
But hey hey, joy to the world for you reap what you sow later than you sow and greater than you sow, and we all know or will find it out in a little while. Ole D. John now has a rough row to hoe!
Mike Clark