Archived Opinion

GOP seeks to divide, not to lead

GOP seeks to divide, not to lead

To the Editor:

Nikki Haley, in a February 21 interview with National Public Radio, said: “I think what’s really important is to know that the majority of Americans dislike Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” she said. “So we think that there needs to be an alternative.” 

I think what’s really important to know is that Nikki Haley clearly lies, as do all MAGAts. A majority of Americans voted for Biden. He’s done a good job, given the never-ending radical extremist Republican obstruction, heavily influenced by Putin’s Russian intelligence agencies (read about the GOP’s chief impeachment witness Smirnov, and his ties to Russian intelligence). The Republicans care more about dividing America and leaving our allies out in the cold and imposing their version of “Christian” law upon our nation.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, a principal player in the January 6 insurrection, doesn’t care about the border or our allies, he sent the House home without acting on important legislation essential to our national security, and then went to Mar-a-Largo for a photo op with his traitorous leader and fellow insurrectionist former President Trump, no doubt receiving further instructions about sowing American division and stalling all American progress.

The Biden-Harris administration has had notable achievements in building America “from the middle out and the bottom up.” This in contrast to the GOP, the party of tax cuts for the least needy, de-funding the IRS, de-regulating powerful entities and zooming national debt. Their “trickle-down” economic lie has resulted in enormous income inequalities and lack of growth for the ordinary American, and historic concentrations of wealth and power to a few elites. It seems all the media can focus on is the age of the candidates. Maybe that sells more stuff?

It is sadly true that history repeats itself. “America First” was the slogan used by folks who were big fans of Hitler and thought America should stay out of that fight. We know how that worked out. Where would we be today if we’d remained neutral? It will be horrendous if peace-loving people have to rise up again and again, forever, to defeat would-be oppressors and tyranny.

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