Go birding

Catch a sight of migratory birds at 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, at Lake Junaluska.
The lake is draining for maintenance, making it a great time to see the migratory birds that spend wintertime in Western North Carolina. Guide Howard Browers will lead the excursion. A limited number of loaner binoculars are available.
The outing occurs amid the Great Backyard Bird Count, a worldwide event Feb. 16-19 during which participants are asked to count birds for as little as 15 minutes or as long as they wish, and then to submit their observations for researchers to analyze. Learn more about the Great Backyard Bird Count at birdcount.org.
The cost for the Feb. 17 outing is $10, with registration open through Feb. 16. Sign up at haywoodcountync.gov/recreation.