Paddle the Glacier Breaker

Start off the year with an early-season slalom race Saturday, Feb. 17, on the Nantahala River at the Nantahala Outdoor Center.
Hosted by the Nantahala Racing Club, the Glacier Breaker Slalom is open to paddlers of all ages with course difficulty suitable for novice through intermediate paddlers. The course starts just above the NOC Founder’s Bridge and ends upstream of the highway bridge, consisting of 18-20 slalom gates and running through the 2013 Worlds Hole. Racers are encouraged to use slalom-specific boats and have at least class 2 river running skills.
Racing will take place 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Entry fee is $20 payable at check-in, with registration required by noon Feb. 26. Learn more at