We should not tolerate the lies

To the Editor:
A strange paradox is alive in American politics.
Those who support Donald Trump either knowingly or unknowingly allow him to exert his lies on all Americans (not merely those who support him). Some claim that the gains in the Supreme Court justify their tolerance because it has resulted in an abortion ban. Yet abortion is an individual choice. Under American laws and most religions each individual is accountable for his/her actions and inactions. No one will answer to a higher power for someone else’s decision to abort.
Those who profess to be Christians should know this spiritual tenet: each of us is held accountable for what we do and fail to do. No matter how noble it may appear to tolerate lies in order to get something you want it is still a moral failure, an illusion. I see nothing in the “Evangelical” Bible that urges us to tolerate Trump’s lies. Neither do I see anything that tells the Supreme Court to deny any woman the right to decide (right or wrong) what to do when she becomes pregnant. Where is the moral gain?
Famous songwriter Billy Edd Wheeler penned a classis song entitled “The Reverend Mr. Black.” In that song he asserts: “You’ve got to walk that lonesome valley. You’ve got to walk it by yourself. Oh nobody else can walk it for you. You’ve got to walk it by yourself.”
Please don’t tell me you tolerate Trump’s lies in order to gain something. You lose moral ground when you do so.
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