Bear scratches Smokies visitor, causing road closure

Rich Mountain Road in the Cades Cove area of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is closed to all traffic until further notice after a bear scratched a visitor over the weekend.
The bear had become habituated to people and vehicles. The visitor, who was inside their vehicle and did not contribute to the bear’s habituation, experienced minor scratches after encountering the animal. The road closure aims to give bears in the area a chance to eat and forage undisturbed.
“By closing Rich Mountain Road, we are protecting people and bears,” said Superintendent Cassius Cash. “When people intentionally attract bears with human food or pet food, it can lead to a dangerous situation for visitors, local communities, and the bears.”
August is a critical time of year for bears when berries, acorns and other food sources are not in season. Bears will often approach vehicles in search of food, and once someone throws food or leaves it on the ground for the bear, the animal becomes conditioned to expect food in that situation. Over time, food-conditioned bears may become bold and aggressive in their attempts to obtain human food, approaching vehicles and people. A female bear will teach that inappropriate and dangerous behavior to her cubs.
To stay safe and ensure the future of black bears, never intentionally approach, feed or leave out food or trash for a bear. Don’t stop along the roadside when bears are near, and always stay 50 yards or more away. Photographers should use telephoto lenses.
To learn more about living safely with bears, visit To report a bear incident or unusual bear activity in the Smokies, call 865.436.1230.