Haywood community wellness program opens registration

The Haywood 4 Good community wellness program announced that registration is open for the fall 2023 program.
Participants may register through the end of December. One randomly selected participant will win an Instant Pot. Participants must register by Aug. 31 to be entered in this drawing. This innovative program encourages participation in a variety of wellness activities. Participants may complete all activities safely at home or in an outdoor setting. Participation is free. Participants may register individually; however, teams are encouraged to offer motivation and accountability. For each activity, participants earn challenge points. Participants who track their challenge points can win prizes during the program.
Unlike traditional weight loss or heart health challenges, Haywood 4 Good focuses on the physical, mental, spiritual and community wellness of participants. Challenges for August address eating local, managing stress and couch to 5k training for the September Power of Pink 5k.
Those interested may register by visiting and completing the sign-up information.
Additionally, for assistance with a creating Challenge Runner account, participants should go to healthyhaywood.com.
For more information about Haywood 4 Good, go to facebook.com/haywood4good. Interested individuals may also call 828.452.6675.
Haywood 4 Good is sponsored by Haywood Health and Human Services Agency, the Healthy Haywood Wellness Action Group and Haywood Regional Medical Center.