We need to enact stricter gun laws
To the Editor:
I am a recent resident of the lovely state of North Carolina and am truly honored and grateful to live here. Yet I am also a citizen of America, and as such I need to believe that our elected officials — including senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis — are working for the people they represent and are cognizant of the wishes of the majority of Americans.
The majority of us want common sense changes to the gun laws that will further protect and serve us. We don’t need to keep antiquated gun laws that no longer meet the needs of the public.
When cars became unintended killing machines, laws were passed to protect us by requiring seat belts. When 9/11 occurred, security requirements made air travelers feel secure. To be sure there was some inconvenience and patience was required on our part, but both law changes saved countless lives without hampering us.
Our country is devolving into a wild wild west, when outlaws governed and people lived in fear because there was no protection against bullies. Wealthy special-interest groups and selfish power junkies hold government elected officials hostage. Why? Whose interest is being served?
There is too much irrational propagandized rhetoric around the consequences of stricter gun ownership. People are reacting to jargon and perceived negative possibilities. Instead, let’s act to obtain positive results. It is a practical act of love, like some parental rules that teenagers rail against, but which are necessary to protect them from harm.
Choose life, not guns, and support a gun law change that will keep its citizens safe.
Thank you for your kind consideration to this matter.
Cheryl Buchignani