Lt. Shell graduates jail administrator institute

Forty-one jail administrators from across the state, including Lt. Chris Shell with the Haywood County Sheriff's Office, graduated on Jan. 14, from the Jail Administrators’ Institute of Leadership. This training was sponsored by the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association. They received their diplomas at a ceremony at the Friday Conference Center of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The Jail Administrators’ Institute of Leadership consisted of two one-week training programs conducted over a period of 6 months. The course provided specific training necessary to promote the success of jail administrators. It also enabled the jail administrators to further their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the leadership and management of the jail.
This is the inaugural program for the Jail Administrators’ Institute of Leadership and will be held every four years.
The North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association is the statewide organization of our state’s 100 Sheriffs. Through their Association, the Sheriffs work to strengthen the professional law enforcement services their offices provide to the people of North Carolina. The Association Headquarters is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Edmond W. Caldwell, Jr. serves as Executive Vice President and General Counsel.