SCC to hold first traditional graduation ceremony

After enduring a series of unexpected, pandemic-related challenges, the latest group of Southwestern Community College graduates will celebrate their accomplishments with family and friends during the college’s first traditional, indoor commencement ceremonies in two years.
SCC’s fall graduation will be spread out over two events: Career Technologies graduates will walk across the Myers Auditorium stage at 5:30 p.m. followed by a ceremony for the Health Sciences and Arts & Sciences grads at 7 p.m.
The auditorium is in the Balsam Center on SCC's Jackson Campus in Sylva.
Masks will be required for all attendees, and each event will be small enough to allow everyone to socially distance themselves as much as necessary in order to feel comfortable and safe.
“Our drive-through commencement ceremonies were all tremendous successes, and we received a lot of very positive feedback from participants and their families,” said Dr. Don Tomas, SCC President. “And yet, there is something refreshing about going back to the traditional ceremonies where we can all gather in one large room and celebrate with our graduates in a safe environment. We are all looking forward to it.”
For instructions about the ceremonies, graduates can click on this link.
Click here for Commencement FAQs.