Check Out These Top Fall Festivals

There are plenty of ways to celebrate the autumn season around Appalachia in October. Here are some fall festival suggestions for the next couple of weeks.
Oktoberfest, Helen, GA
My hometown of Helen, GA, is celebrating the 50th anniversary of their Oktoberfest celebration this year. The party continues every weekend through Nov. 7 in the Alpine Village. The main event is held at the Helen Festhalle with beer, brats, and Lederhosen. Admission is $8 Monday through Friday, $10 on Saturdays and free on Sunday. It’s a big tradition in my family. My Dad swears he hasn’t missed Oktoberfest since the early ‘80s. Even if you don’t make it to the Festhalle, every establishment in town will be something to celebrate. I recommend my favorite dive bar The Hayloft Tavern just down the street from the Festhalle.
For more information, click here.
Apple Harvest Festival, Waynesville NC
There are so many reasons I love this time of year and Apple Harvest Festival in Waynesville is one of them. Even though I’m usually volunteering at a booth all day, I enjoy meeting all the people visiting town. It’s like being an ambassador of the county getting to share all of our secrets with them — the best places to eat, a great hiking trail or my favorite place to drink a craft beer. The Haywood County Chamber of Commerce will host the festival from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 16, on Main Street.
For more information, click here.
Gold Rush Days, Dahlonega, GA
Another one of my favorite festivals growing up with the Gold Rush Days in Dahlonega and it’s being held this weekend — Oct. 16-17. It’s the perfect time to drive over to Northeast Georgia to welcome the fall colors and celebrate the discovery of gold in Dahlonega in 1828. There are hundreds of arts and craft vendors that gather around the beautiful town square. There will be a beard-growing content, traditional music, a Gold Rush parade, cross-cut saw competition, and an arm-wrestling competition.
For the full schedule of events, click here.
Pumpkinfest, Franklin, NC
The Town of Franklin will host the 25th annual Pumpkinfest from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 23, in Downtown Franklin. The event features the “World Famous Pumpkin Roll” where contestants will see who can roll their pumpkin the farthest! Bring your own pumpkin or purchase one downtown and sign up for the contest. There will also be a pie-eating contest, a costume parade and 60 vendors.
For more information, click here.