Ease pain of income tax by helping wildlife
Whether you love to hunt, fish, bird watch, or just want to do your part to ensure that wildlife in North Carolina flourishes, you can help conserve the state’s wildlife and wildlife habitats by checking line No. 30 on your income tax form.
This provides money for projects that help the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission conserve non-game wildlife and their habitats. Turtles, freshwater mussels, fish, birds, bats, frogs and salamanders all benefit from tax check-off donations to the Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Fund.
A few of the projects supported by tax check-off donations in 2010 included: managing wetlands for the benefit of pond breeding amphibians such as the gopher frog; developing a conservation tool called the Green Growth Toolbox to help county and local governments statewide plan for future development while sustaining priority wildlife habitat; and supporting local wildlife recreation economies through the North Carolina.