Climate columnist cherry picked facts
To the Editor:
After reading guest columnist Patrick Gleason’s column in the September 7 issue of The Smoky Mountain News, I felt so relieved. CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT REAL! THE SKY IS NOT FALLING! Wow, now I don’t have to worry about that anymore!
Then my cynical self took over. I checked out Mr. Gleason, who was everything his info at the bottom of article said, none of which made him any kind of climate expert. Then I checked out the reviews on the book he based his article on and its author. Surprise, surprise! Dr. Koonin, it seems, had his own agenda, mainly cherry picking and misstating information to support his own position. Science is supposed to follow facts to form an opinion or theory, The reviews were too lengthy to include here, but were very specific in their examples of misinformation and disinformation. I urge readers to spend five minutes on Google and form your own opinion of Mr. Gleason and Dr. Koonin.
John Acuti
Maggie Valley