Build community outdoors

Outdoor Mission Community, formerly known as Outdoor Mission Camp, has a stockpile of outdoor gear available at its resource center and a robust schedule of community events planned to get people outside over the coming months — and plenty of opportunities for volunteers too.
Upcoming events include:
- Opportunities for volunteers to serve as wilderness educators in June and cook for local camps in July.
- A hike with Big Brothers Big Sisters on July 17.
- A community cookout at 2 p.m. July 18.
- A BBBS boat safety and padding picnic Aug. 7 at Lake Junaluska.
Regardless of interest, there’s a way for outdoor lovers of all stripes to plug in. Help with gear, cleanup, backpack repair, lead a trip or help recruit. Gear available for partners and future partners to borrow includes backpacking gear, canoes, bikes, car camping sleeping bags, maps, books and more.
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