Identity groups are unexplainable

To the Editor:
Attempts to explain or absolve any identity group of voters are subject to inaccuracy.
Evangelical voters are accused of voting for a non God-fearing, Ten Commandment breaker, chaos causing, sower of hatred man who is the opposite of their Christian doctrine. Evangelistic voters actually voted for a man who closed our borders to illegal migrants, brought businesses back to the U.S., ended our dependence on other countries, made us energy independent, reduced unemployment and put America first. Those accomplishments sound Christian, compassionate, caring and concerned to me.
Supposedly, these same voters — following their leader — deny science, intellectualism and experts. What science are we talking about? Perhaps it is denial of scientists like Dr. Fauci who for over a year has been the government expert about Covid and has flip-flopped on his advice numerous times. Instead the deniers may believe in the many qualified and credentialed scientists who take an opposite, well-verified view than Fauci. Are evangelical voters anti-intellectuals and experts? Intellectuals and experts are not necessarily only those chosen by a few elites who deem them to be so.
We can only presume to understand any identity group. Minorities seem to vote for Democrats in high percentage when the Democrat promises to them are rarely met, i.e., Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s over 50-year-old war on poverty is a war that is never finished. Perhaps the minority identity group responds best to any mention of fighting poverty that is a Democrat campaign promise in every election cycle.
In 2020 an identity group of dissatisfied people voted for a presidential candidate who hardly left his basement to campaign, failed in primaries and drew a sickly number of attendees at campaign events. This group voted for a man who supports the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations, a socialist document for progressive systems to address climate change, criminal justice, the economy, education, health care and immigration. Each category recommendation includes government control, redistribution of wealth, high taxes in the name of equity and unity. Biden’s severely radical path guided by his handlers, chosen cabinet and agency heads, mostly progressives or socialists, sees equity as something determined by skin color. Unity does not include keeping Donald Trump’s successes supported by over 74 million voters.
But Biden does accept, sometimes as his, the Covid vaccines made possible by Trump’s warp speed initiative that produced a vaccine in less than one year. Perhaps this dissatisfied identity group saw that Biden’s presidency would radically change America which they thought most necessary. Maybe they wanted to see an administration that would clear out and clean out any vestiges of the hated Trump including his supporters, aides and colleagues.
I do not know. My point is that to denounce or criticize any identity group is futile. Identity group thought processes are not standard, in any given norm or the opposite of a norm. We all are in an identity group so let’s not think one knows the other. It just is not so.
Carol Adams