Hike with Haywood

A series of hikes exploring Haywood County’s many trails is in full swing, with the next one offered Monday, May 5, and traversing 4.8 miles in the Max Patch area.
The hike, to be led by Kathy Odvody and Phyllis Wollen, is rated as moderate and will include 1,131 feet of elevation gain.
Throughout the rest of the month, hikes will be offered on most Wednesdays and Saturdays, with a variety of locations and difficulty levels. Over the year as a whole, Haywood County Recreation and Parks will offer four to five hikes each month on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. All hikes are led by local, experienced guides who have extensive knowledge of trails in Haywood County.
Hikes are $10 paid at registration. A schedule is available at www.haywoodcountync.gov/719/Hiking. For more information, contact Ian Smith at 828.452.6789 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..