Remote learning resumes Monday in Haywood

Haywood County Schools is scheduled to reopen for remote instruction on Monday, Aug. 31 after a significant cyber attack last Monday forced the school system to take down most technology services in order to stop the corruption of school system servers and computers.
Since many technology services transmit through system servers, related technologies including telephones and Internet were rendered inoperable. “While some technology services are still not operating, we felt it was important to return to teaching and learning as soon as practically possible,” said Dr. Bill Nolte, Superintendent. “Our students, staff, and community need our schools to be open as much as possible after the negative impact of COVID-19 and the recent ransomware attack. Our team of local and deployed experts worked tremendously hard into the evenings this week and on Saturday. This dedicated work was to recover from the attack and allow us to return to learning as soon as possible.”
Teachers are being provided with information about resetting their passwords. Students can now use Chromebooks, iPads, and other devices to connect to Google Classroom for instruction. Initially, teachers and students will have Internet filtering set at the student filtering level. This will limit the use of some resources while assuring an effective level of site and software screening.
“School devices that were corrupt or potentially corrupt have been collected and removed from campus,” said Dr. Trevor Putnam, Associate Superintendent. “All remaining devices are safe for use on school networks and at home. Because some system tools became inoperable, students and parents are encouraged to communicate directly with teachers via Google Classroom or other communication tools as they become available.”
“After safety and security, the education of our students is paramount, said Jill Barker, Assistant Superintendent. “While some services are still being recovered, we are very pleased that we are able to return to instruction in one week. Events of this magnitude often take longer.”