Haywood County Cares: Megan Taylor with Canton Police

Officer Megan Taylor is the community outreach officer in Canton, working primarily in investigations but also on patrol at times. In her role, she bridges the gap between the agency and the community.
She represents the agency in several working groups throughout the county including the Domestic Violence Task Force, Child Abuse working group at the Kare House and Adult DSS working group.
Taylor said that during COVID 19, Canton Officers have used their patrol time to connect with community members out working in their yards and around the community to address fears and specific concerns and just to talk and let them know we are here and that has not changed, regardless of the circumstances.
“I really struggled when I began my career in the training process, in that, I was a stay at home mom for a long time and had never experienced many of the things that police are faced with daily. I had never seen how meth affects a person or dealt with domestic violence, so it was a huge adjustment for me. I prayed toward the end of my training that if I made it through (because there were times I wasn’t sure I would), that I would do my best and show people God’s love through my actions as often as I possibly could. He got me through and I know I would not have been able to without Him. So I do my very best to keep that in mind when I’m out on patrol.”