Jackson resident tests positive for COVID-19

A part-time Jackson County resident that tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) is being monitored by health officials.
The patient is in isolation and the household member of the patient is in self-quarantine in Jackson County. Since the patient is a part-time resident of Jackson County, the case will be identified in their home state, not in North Carolina. The case will not show up on the North Carolina map as a Jackson County case.
To comply with State and Federal privacy requirements, no additional information about the patient will be released at this time. The Jackson County Department of Public Health (JCDPH) is working with other health officials to identify close contacts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a close contact as being within approximately 6 feet of a person with COVID-19 infection for 10 minutes or longer.
Based on information provided by the patient, health officials will reach out to close contacts, assess their risk of exposure, and determine if they need to take any additional measures. As this is a rapidly evolving situation, make sure to check back with JCDPH frequently for the most up-todate information on COVID-19 in Jackson County.
Going forward, the number of positive cases in Jackson County will be updated daily by noon on JCDPH’s website at http://health.jacksonnc.org/covid19.