Trump defies the global elites

To the Editor:
The hysterical, savage and frenzied attacks on President Trump by Democrats, the media, powerful deep state and political establishment has been ongoing ever since the day he was elected. Most think this continual insulting harassment is because Trump is not a part of the D.C. club, is brash, outspoken, ignores political correctness, it was not “his turn” and he operates on a completely different style than the entrenched power politicians. These assumptions are true and valid, but the most dangerous and destructive anti-Trump cabal is the global elitists whose goal is a new world order. In the USA the global elite includes presidents Carter, Clinton, the Bushes and Obama and their new world order agendas that sells out American jobs, American workers and American sovereignty. Trump’s America-first initiative is a distinct threat to those goals of the new world order elitists who pull the strings of governments worldwide.
Everything President Trump has done defeats the power and profit of the global elitists. He pulled us out of TPP, the Paris Climate Accord and renegotiated NAFTA. He is securing the border threatening cheap illegal labor, imposed tariffs on China and just negotiated an initial trade agreement with China. These moves by President Trump are a grave danger to the global elitists that includes big business, big media, big finance and big government.
It is no wonder that multi-millions of global elite dollars are funding the anti-Trump political agenda through dozens of front groups assigned to fight Trump’s reelection. Such groups are funded by global elitists like George Soros, Hillary and Bill Clinton. For other names worldwide check out The Superclass List then Agenda 21, Southern Poverty Law Center, Open Society Foundation and “philanthropic” organizations such as Arabella Advisors whose “story” includes “helping clients whose promising ideas with the power to effect deep social change often require up-front capital.”
Much to the dismay of global elitists, the new world order is under threat all over the world not only in the USA. Think Brexit, the yellow vests in France, populist governments in Hungary and Poland. Leading the threat is President Donald J. Trump who fights successfully for the American people, our constitutional rights, liberties and the sovereignty of our nation. No wonder the global elitists have their sights on Trump and his defeat in 2020.
Carol Adams