How much longer can we tolerate Trump?
To the Editor:
Only a few short years ago Americans criticized Russian leaders for their overt political philosophy: “The end justifies the means.” In other words, whatever we do is OK as long as we get what we want.
Yet, is this not exactly how Donald Trump has dealt with Ukraine officials in his quest to “dig up dirt” on Joe Biden (his likely presidential opponent in 2020)?
Today I re-read the Ten Commandments along with Proverbs 6:16-23. You can read them for yourself in the King James version of the Bible. The Ten Commandments are a key component of Christian belief. Didn’t the erstwhile Moral Majority brandish them? They (Moral Majority politicians) said little, however, about the seven things that the Lord hates as stated in Proverbs. But! But! Where is the Moral Majority today? Can they not step up and condemn the flood of lies put forth by Donald Trump? After all, lying is specifically covered by the ninth commandment. It is also specifically one of the seven things the Lord hates!
How much longer can Washington politicians (predominantly Republicans) justify the lies and other forms of deception/abuse that Trump uses daily? How much longer can America be the beacon of democracy so desperately needed by the rest of the world if we refuse to walk the path of truth?
How much longer?
Dave Waldrop