Make America great by dumping Trump
To the Editor:
George Washington led Americans in the Revolutionary War defeating a tyrant, King George III, and giving birth to democracy. Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention creating a new system of government, separating power into legislative, executive and judicial branches. Each branch checks the others to prevent abuse of power. The legislature is given power to impeach and remove corrupt government officials. Asked to be our first president, Washington postponed desired retirement to serve his country again.
In WWII, President Franklin Roosevelt joined Allied nations to defeat aggressive Axis dictators. Although crippled by polio, he joined world leaders coordinating strategies to achieve victory and create lasting peace. Roosevelt inspired creation of the United Nations to promote peaceful solutions to world problems. This reflects his last full measure of devotion. He died just before its first meeting.
In 1962, Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev began building missile bases in Cuba, threatening the United States. President John Kennedy ordered a naval blockade around Cuba stopping Soviet ships carrying missile materials. The threat of war ended when the Soviets dismantled the missiles. Russia also attempted to spread its influence in Western Europe. It occupied East Berlin and acted to gain control of West Berlin. Khrushchev backed down after Kennedy increased our military presence in West Berlin. Kennedy halted Soviet threats, facing down an aggressive dictator.
Donald Trump embraces dictators like Russia’s Vladimir Putin, abandoning our democratic allies. He weakens our standing as leader of free world democracies, reducing our support of NATO and the United Nations. Presidential candidate Trump voiced acceptance of Russia’s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine. Not surprising, some of Ukraine’s diplomats spoke out against Trump. Ukraine’s government took no position in our 2016 presidential election. Trump and his Republican supporters are promoting the fiction that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in this election.
This narrative was created by Russia, currently under sanctions for interfering in our 2016 election. Sanctions are hurting Russia’s economy. Putin and Russia’s oligarchs hope to have sanctions lifted by blaming Ukraine. Our entire intelligence community concluded Russia, not Ukraine, interfered in 2016. Russia has invaded Ukraine. Trump sought to withhold legally authorized military aid to Ukraine it desperately needs to fight Russia’s aggression. Trump conditioned releasing this aid on Ukraine’s president announcing an investigation into Trump’s political rival. This is bribery.
Trump has committed impeachable acts, violating our Constitution. Patriotic Americas fought and died to protect and defend our democracy. Republicans protect and defend Donald Trump, betraying their sworn allegiance to the Constitution. Previous presidents fought dictators, Trump falls in love with them. Is King George III Trump’s role model? Is this what “Make America Great Again” means? “Do we have a monarchy or a Republic?”
Margery Abel