Background checks are a must
To the Editor:
Actually, this letter is especially to Republican and Republican-leaning unaffiliated voters.
If you are among the 92 percent of Republicans or the 94 percent of Independents who want a federal law requiring background checks for ALL gun buys, I implore you: renew your effort to get U.S. Senate leader McConnell to quit killing every weapons- and domestic-terrorism bill — preventing his own Republican Party, even, from voting on it.
Please call his home town office to demand that he re-convene the Senate to vote on the bi-partisan bill buried in his Washington office. It is one of several passed by House Republicans and Democrats.
Does it make any sense to require a background check if you buy an AK-47 in person, but still allow anyone to order such a weapon of mass destruction on the internet, at a gun show, or privately?
If you are among the eight out of every 100 of Republicans against any laws regulating ownership of weapons that can kill 30 people or more in half a minute, I have one question for you: how many of your guns were taken away from you while President Obama was in office from January 2009 through January 2017?
Mary Jane Curry
Haywood County