The four R’s help the earth
To the Editor:
What are you doing to implement the four R’s to help our environment, which are Recycle, Re-use, Reduce and Refuse?
There are things that all of us can do to see that much of our waste does not go to landfills which are filling up. Over 90 percent of plastics that we use are not recycled and end up in landfills and waterways, killing wildlife and marine animals. Plastic waste takes around 1,000 years to decompose. Please recycle all plastic bottles, cans and containers. that you are not going to re-use. For household food waste, try composting.
What can you do? You can refuse to use plastic grocery bags, flatware, straws, containers, bottled water and Styrofoam. When you go grocery shopping, take a cloth bag or request a paper bag and refuse the plastic bags. Ask grocery stores to use less plastic in packaging. A group of women in Asheville are making plastic mattresses for homeless from plastic bags, a way to re-use plastic.
Even worse than plastic is Styrofoam which does not biodegrade. I usually have leftovers to take home when I eat in restaurants. Most restaurants will give you a Styrofoam box for take-outs in a plastic bag. I take a plastic container in a cloth bag with me when eating out to bring my leftovers home with me. It is one small step in reducing the use of plastic and re-using plastic containers.
What will you do about the four R’s?
Mary A. Herr