The time is now for the Earth
To the Editor:
The latest issue of Sierra had to be one of the most depressing in a long time. Between the pictures of the landfill in Bekasi, Indonesia, to the book called “The Last Butterflies,” Nick Brandt’s elegy for a disappearing world and the plans for 333 new chemical manufacturing project for MORE plastic products for export, well I am at a loss for words. I have only tears for the planet.
The environment, clean air and water and climate change should be first and foremost on everyone’s agenda and ballot. Nothing else will matter. Not health care, not immigration, not equal pay, etc., if we do not have air and water.
Ms. Shetley suggested in her column last week that “the ultimate state of our planet sits in the hands of our younger generations.” I am afraid that we cannot wait that long!
Jane Finneran