Where has Trump’s leadership led?
To the Editor:
Here’s a brief analysis of Donald Trump’s leadership using Joe Bryson’s characteristics:
• Vision — Yes, Trump has his vision for America-fascism with him at the helm. “The press is the enemy” is a major sign here. Grade F
• Courage — Are bone spurs what kept Trump out of uniform? Why did he say he likes people who don’t get captured? Grade F
• Wisdom — Not much here! Does he believe he can coerce people to follow his philosophy? Grade F
• Energy — We must give the old man some credit here. He stays right with his golf game, his campaign stops and his business dealings. Grade A
• Management Skill — Why would a presidential candidate surround himself with so many people who pled guilty to or have been convicted of crimes? Why consider pardons for them? Grade F
• Charisma — He has been a TV star. On a reality show that is virtual unreality. Flashback: Anyone remember Jim Jones and his charismatic/religious leadership? Grade F+
• Integrity — Did Trump forgive Hilary Clinton only to rescind it? Grade F
• Spiritual System (added by author) — Is establishing an Evangelical Advisory Board while at the same time separating mothers and children at the border something of a contradiction in words and deeds? Grade FFF
Religions have historically been a form of “obedience to the un-enforceable.” Why is Trump’s appointee (Neil Gorsuch) trying to establish Christianity as America’s national religion?
Regarding the weather, have you noticed those three clouds hovering over the White House? Can you see the word “collusion” in one, “obstruction” in one and “Mueller Report” in the third one?
What has Trump’s leadership led America to? Where are we headed?
Dave Waldrop