Let’s think rationally about the government shutdown

By Isaac Herrin • Guest Columnist
OK, let’s get the opposing comments out of the way: “Rationally, Trump should open the government and stop being petty,” “The last thing a Trump supporter is allowed to say is we need to be rational,” “If you think this is on the Democrats, you’re just blind.”
Now, let’s talk about this … rationally. Over the past four decades, our country has grown used to the all talk, no action politicians, where we get promised everything under the sun during the campaign and then, once they get into office, nothing changes. You know it’s true. I mean think about it, candidates talk about lowering taxes, but do they really? Even your town council members say they want to change local ordinances, but do they really?
We all know that President Trump is a polarizing figure. Whether you love or hate him, I would hope that we could all at least agree that what he is fighting for is exactly what he campaigned on. Truly, consider this: he campaigned on lowering taxes, fulfilled by the 2017 tax reform bill; he campaigned to cut regulations on businesses, which the latest fact sheet shows he has signed 67 deregulatory bills, while only signing three new regulatory bills into law. And of course, where would we be without mentioning the biggest campaign promise of them all: the (in)famous southern border wall.
If you heard President Trump’s remarks from the Oval Office, you’d know that this isn’t about our President being racist. It’s about security and safety, not only for Americans, but it actually helps immigrants as well.
“According to migrant shelters and FusionTV, four-fifths of Central-American women who make an attempt to trek across the border into America are either sexually assaulted by gang members and thugs or are sold into human trafficking. The majority of this happens in Mexico, where we cannot stop this because it isn’t our country. A wall would dramatically decrease their attempts to cross.
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In the meantime, BorderFacts.com reports that 17,000 adults were arrested at the border last year with previous criminal records; this number does not include the amount who made it through our border security.”
I do fully understand that only one-third of illegal immigration occurs from folks traveling across the border. I understand that the majority of illegal immigration comes from overstayed visas. But the difference is staggering between the two when you consider the amount of crimes and the classification of crimes committed by those who make no attempt to follow our immigration procedure through visas or through citizenship.
Rationally consider this: if you get a call that your child has been doing drugs after school, what do you do? You figure out how to make your child stop this bad habit before it continues all throughout their life. Illegal border crossings are done by people who make no attempt to follow our laws; they typically do not attempt to apply for a visa or citizenship. Just as you want to stop your child from a habit you know will most likely continue unless prevented, we need to ensure that someone who is not abiding by our laws from day one will not continue to.
Visas are another story, where Democrats and Republicans actually agree, but they won’t admit it: since the majority of illegal immigration comes from overstayed visas, we need to ensure that who is coming into our country is someone who will contribute to our success. So we need to be stricter on visas; not necessarily taking in less, but being stricter on who we let in. And as a staunch conservative, I see no issue with allowing those with expired visas to look toward citizenship: we let them in once, why not allow them that opportunity?
These are my thoughts, rationally considering the issue considering the border wall. I do wish that both Republicans and Democrats would come to the table and talk about this rationally. I understand the opposing argument, and some are valid points. But we’re all in the same boat, hopefully rowing in the same direction. If we stop rowing, the boat will sink. If both sides cannot sit down and rationally talk about this, the country fails.
Democrats in the House are unwilling to sit down with the President to discuss border security and reopening the government. President Trump is keeping his campaign promise. Something must be done, 800,000 Americans are close to an entire month without a paycheck. But the resolve has to come from both sides. President Trump has offered to meet, but Democrats won’t. They are to blame for this, not Donald Trump.
Isaac Herrin is second vice chairman of the 11th District Republican Party. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or on twitter @isaacbherrin.