Rep. Meadows for House Sanitation Committee
To the Editor:
Now that the rest of the nation has seen the reality of the Trump Administration and voted out the GOP House majority, I would like to suggest our local Congressman, Republican Mark “Gerrymander” Meadows, be nominated for the Chairmanship of the U.S. House Sanitation Committee. Perhaps the Democrats, who now control the House, will see fit to place Meadows, a Floridian and North Carolina pretender, to atop the committee.
Meadows, a holdout from the dwindling Republican Party, would be an exemplary congressman for overseeing the removal of trash from Capitol Hill. He is a true, proven “garbage-man.” I might suggest his buddy, Californian Rep. Devin Nunes, be nominated for vice chairman of the Sanitation Committee. Both GOP “representatives” have truly been disgraceful for eroding the U.S. Constitution.
Meadows is not a patriot, as he has continually put party and ideology above America. Meadows, like Trump, is a proponent for the wealthy at the expense of the working class, and, like Trump, he is an incredible “deceiver.”
I have little hope average voters in WNC will ever grasp the damage they are doing to themselves by re-electing “Gerrymander” Meadows to the 11th Congressional District. But, as a native Southerner, I’ve dealt with dumb-assess my entire life; it comes with the territory like deviled eggs, fried chicken and coronary stents.
James Budd
Bryson City