Canton hires assistant town manager

Canton’s Town Manager Jason Burrell is about to get some help.
“There were several tremendously strong candidates for this position from within the region and out,” said Burrell in a press release issued by the town April 16. “However I am confident that Nick Scheuer is a wonderful fit for the town of Canton’s position of assistant manager.”
Burrell had served as Canton’s assistant town manager under then-manager Seth Hendler-Voss until his departure for a job in Virginia a year ago; when the town promoted Burrell to manager last April, his former position remained vacant, until now.
Scheuer comes to Canton from Wake Forest where he works as a transportation consultant within the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Division.
“We are incredibly excited to have Nick Scheuer as Canton’s new assistant town manager. His experience in planning and zoning will couple nicely with Canton’s needs,” said Canton Alderwoman Kristina Smith. “This position is critical to Canton’s long-term success and sustainability.”
The appointment of Scheuer keeps things rolling in the Town of Canton in a variety of ways; his transportation background on both regional and local levels will be helpful, according to Burrell, as the town considers its pedestrian and bicycle plan. He also has experience in planning, zoning and grant management.
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The appointment also frees up Burrell from some of the day-to-day operations of the town, allowing him to refocus efforts on economic development, a task he handled as assistant and continues to focus on amidst his other responsibilities.
“Once trained, having Mr. Scheuer take over several projects and some management of staff will give Manager Burrell the ability to spend more time and energy on several economic development projects,” Smith said. “From the Colonial to working with new potential businesses, there’s never a shortage of projects for economic development.”
Scheuer will be paid around $68,000 a year, and will also receive retirement contributions as well as medical, dental and vision care at no cost. His first day on the job will be April 30.