Vote Phillip Price into Congress
To the Editor:
We, as North Carolinians, have entered an era of restrictive practices centered around limiting our ability to decide governance. Our districts are gerrymandered in order to keep one party in power. We elected officials that insure their power by neutralizing our votes and refuse to work with each other.
We must take action in this upcoming election. We cannot allow ourselves to stay apathetic. We cannot allow our votes to be weakened by calloused politicians who work tirelessly to ensure their own power. The 10th and 11th congressional districts need fresh blood; new perspectives that have not been jaded by the power dynamics and party squabbles. First-time candidates offer this perspective. We have a duty to research our candidates and vote for whom we believe is the best fit.
If we do not actively engage in the political system, we will only see the expansion of these power-controlling tactics. Access to healthcare; prison reform; equality regardless of gender, race or sexuality; and infrastructural repair are all important issues to me, so the candidate I will vote into the U.S. Congress is Phillip Price. You must find the right candidate for you to promote real change in our state.
Connor Ferry