Unity instead of division; keep politics friendly

By Joseph Trisha • Guest Columnist
So who else is tired of negative politics and the constant negative President Donald Trump reports every time you turn on the news channel? The news media should just stick to the facts — whether good or bad — without the spin or half truths.
Wouldn’t it be great no matter who was in office if the representatives would just concentrate on helping the people who placed them there? Wouldn’t it be nice if the news outlets would just cover the news with truth and without the constant negativity focused on those who are opposite of their party?
We are concerned about how this negativity affects us, our children and our relationships with our neighbors.
The news media paints the other party or side as our enemy for drama and ratings. This is very unhealthy for democracy, but even more unhealthy for our country and local neighborhoods. Yes, nothing is gained by constant negativity. Nobody wins. Just when you think the news media has posted everything under the sun in a negative way towards President Trump, it begins again. We would all have to agree that the news media has gotten very nasty since George W. Bush held office.
President Trump could serve as our president for eight years. If this is the case, we can only hope the negativity stops soon. Frankly, the Democrats are at a crossroads to reinvent themselves. Hopefully, the Democrats and news media will see that Americans do not want constant negativity. Senators Charles Schumer and Al Franken and Rep. Nancy Pelosi — who criticize and obstruct our President — are continuing to define their party in a negative direction. So why aren’t Democrats demanding more from their party?
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So you don’t like Trump? Well we didn’t agree with Obama, yet most accepted that he was our President. We sincerely love Jesus and yes, someone is always offended by something.
Yes, there are many from North Carolina who support President Donald J. Trump but remain the silent majority. Let’s be honest: many of Trump’s supporters are your family, friends and neighbors. So why did so many vote for this man?
Did you know that Obama added almost $9 trillion to our national debt, which was more money than all previous presidents combined? Of course, George W. Bush added $4 trillion, which is just as concerning.
Many voted for Donald Trump because of his promises to grow our economy, which will yield more tax revenue to pay down our debt. America owes roughly $20 trillion, and that debt will be passed on to our children.
President Trump has accomplished many positive things that should be the main focus because it benefits all Americans.
Did you know that the U.S. debt clock reversed direction for the first time in decades by $68 billion since President Trump’s inauguration? This should have made the headline news, but most did not report on it.
Paying off our debts should be important to all Americans regardless of party. It is estimated it would cost every American roughly $68,000 per person to pay off our debt. I look at my children who are 5 and 9 years of age and this really concerns me.
What American wouldn’t mind paying less taxes or less for better healthcare?
My wife and I are in our 40s and have two children. We are paying almost a mortgage payment for our healthcare with $8,000 deductible before our insurance covers anything. We pray that we will never have to use it. Many Americans are in the same situation.
We admire how Trump helped save more than 800 Carrier jobs in Indiana for Democrats and Republican families before technically becoming President. President Trump has encouraged many companies who have vowed to keep thousands of jobs for Americans.
Since Trump’s win, The Dow Jones Industrial Average just broke a 100-year-old record.
So whomever is America’s President, it only behooves us Americans to support, encourage, pray and be united, not divided. Wishing our President ill will is like wishing the pilot of our plane to crash just because we don’t agree with him. Let us please try to have proper tone and respect with those who we disagree with.
So please join us in our unity prayer today.
Please God lead us to do what we know is good and right by your word. Allow us to love each other despite our political differences. Keep our little town special regardless of who is our President. Please say a prayer for anyone willing to lead, whether President, congress, governors, majors, policemen, firemen, school faculty or pastors. How about we let President Trump be president and give him have a chance to do some good? Let us always speak out of love regardless of color, sex or religion.
Jesus states in the Good Book, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
We have a challenge for our community. The next time you find yourself having an opposite view of someone in politics or beliefs within our county, go the extra mile to be nice to them. By doing this, you will preserve love for one another and the “what’s special with our community.” In turn, it could just reach outside Haywood County and impact our state, nation and world!
(Joseph N. Trisha is a Haywood County resident. Reach him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)