A letter to Gov. McCrory and the Legislature
To the Editor:
The actions taken in the last few years under Republican leadership have awakened a sleeping giant of economic development. Not only have you opened the door for industry and jobs to discover North Carolina, but you have put in place future changes that will enhance the attraction for additional economic progress. While some disagree with these changes, the end results will be indisputable and show their selfish priorities.
Having said all that, I would like to propose action that I believe would create an all but immediate flood of capital, industry and jobs to our state.
Every week there are 10,000 people retiring. For the most part, a great number of those people would like to retire in North Carolina. We have everything retirees are looking for. Beaches, mountains and metropolitan cities. Many choose to pass up those advantages and choose Tennessee, Florida and Texas because of the personal income tax.
I realize your plans are to eliminate that tax, but I believe an action that could be taken immediately would trigger an immediate flood of not only retirees, but their assets would come with them and create thousands of jobs in the construction, real estate, medical, home furnishings, restaurants, insurance, grocery and untold other businesses. The increased revenue from this growth would more than offset any lost tax revenue. My proposal would be to immediately eliminate the state personal income tax for residents over the age of 65. The gradual reduction for other taxpayers could continue along your proposed schedule. An action like this would certainly prove to be the catalyst for a huge economic engine that would dwarf the growth of other states.
Remember, this demographic has little or no impact on infrastructure. They do not impact the school system except to generate more property tax to support education and they have virtually no impact on law enforcement or needed facilities for incarceration, nor do they have a large impact on HHS.
This proposal could be quantified by Art Pope’s department and I believe it would be a positive impact on our state budget. I urge you to also consider the thousands of people who are part-time residents and return to Florida to pay their property and vehicle taxes and vote. Many of these part-timers would leave Florida and make North Carolina their primary residence.
Bruce Gardner,